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Dönberg Electronics - Prices, Postage and Payment Options

  1. All prices are net exclusive of V.A.T. (23% if applicable).

  2. V.A.T. applies within the Republic of Ireland and within the EU if you are not registered for V.A.T.
    No V.A.T. applies for all non EU countries.

  3. Currency: Euro (EUR).

  4. A standard shipping charge of EUR 5.95 applies to each national (Irish) order.
    No handling charge for national (Irish) orders of over 100.00 € net.
    No extra handling charge for parts placed on backorder.

  5. International shipping charges:
    VISA / Mastercard / PayPal
    European Union:EUR 8.95 (minimum)
    Rest of the World:EUR 9.95 (minimum)

  6. Minimum order value: EUR 50.00

  7. International Payment:
    - Visa/ MasterCard
    - PayPal
    - Money transfer (Bank transfer).

  8. You can use the x-rates Currency Calculator to convert our prices.

  9. Large quantity discounts are available. Please phone us or send an e-mail sales@donberg.ie for further details.

  10. Business hours: Monday to Friday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. GMT

  11. Pressurised cans and liquids cannot be sold outside Ireland.